Sunday, April 3, 2011

NDP has my interest this time around...

2013 Update: So, what's changed since my original blog?  Well, the NDP has rewarded my support with a near-constant barrage of phone calls, e-mails, and tweets...hounding me for further support!  The NDP are the "glitter" of the Canadian political landscape: you just can't get them off you!  Harper's Conservatives, while fiscally responsible (at least relatively!) are becoming mired in the same sort of incompetence and corruption that plagued Chretien's Liberals.  Justin Trudeau (the "Dale Earnhardt Jr. of Canadian politics"?) is now the future of the Liberals, which is the scariest thing since Dion Phaneuf wearing the "C" for the Leafs.  It's just a total disaster - now, I understand why Jenny simply doesn't vote...


1 comment:

  1. I like many of the NDP's ideas so far - ending oil industry subsidies, stop CF and RCMP veteran's CPP clawbacks, etc.

    As well, I'm tired of all the Conservative and Liberal scandals. Time for a BIG change!
